IFC Operations the Next 2 Weeks: 3/16 – 3/29

The IFC Board of Directors has decided to stop all group programs for the next two weeks in support of local efforts to stop the spread of the Corona Virus, and to help ensure the health of our members.  This includes the Intermediate Foil Program, Intermediate Epee Program, Competitive Epee Program, and the Conditioning Session.  It also includes all HEMA classes, including Longsword, Spanish Rapier & Dagger, Sword & Buckler, and Messer Training.  All Beginner Classes are also postponed until April.

The Board of Directors will reassess the situation again on March 29 to determine what further actions are prudent.  Hopefully things will get back to normal quickly, both at the Club and around the world.

We will be open our normal hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for individuals or small groups who want to fence or to practice their HEMA skills/techniques.  We currently will be closed on Tuesday and Thursday nights, but that may change, we will keep you informed.  We will also be open for private lessons, depending on the coach.  You can coordinate with other members using our Facebook Page (link provided below), to see who will attend which day.

We will also be posting videos and other tips for you to use at home to stay sharp.  Here is a link to our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/indyfencing/ and our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6MFJBtcl6CbRQ27QkQBKQ.  You can also find videos of common epee techniques to practice on Coach Bill’s webpage: https://indyfencing.net/ifc-staff-members/coaches/coach-bill/.

In the meantime, please continue to follow the IFC Health Related Processes distributed earlier.  Below is a modified version with some stricter policies:

  • For Sport Fencing – use your own equipment. Use of club equipment is temporarily suspended.  For HEMA weapons and related articles, after use put then in the bins provided instead of returning them to the cabinets or racks. All items will be cleaned and disinfected before being returned to the cabinets or racks.
  • Do not shake hands after a bout or a coaching session.
  • Door handles and commonly touched surfaces are being regularly disinfected.
  • A large bottle of Purell has been provided on the table near the entrance. Feel free to use it, and/or bring some of your own.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • If you are sick, stay home.
  • If you or anyone in your household has been in contact with an infected person, a person who has recently returned from a cruise, or a person that has recently traveled internationally, especially to China, Italy, Iran, or South Korea, please follow the CDC instructions and stay at home for 14 days before returning to the Club.

We will keep you updated with any changes as they occur.  Everyone stay safe and healthy!

Please send any questions or concerns to indyfencing@gmail.com.

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